So over the last few years I've been hooked on cans of the fizzy stuff, and after going cold turkey for two weeks in the summer and resisting the urge to crack open a nicely chilled can upon setting foot back in the UK I recently crumbled again, succumbing to its bubbly taste.
There's something satisfying about hearing the noise of the ring-pull, and first few moments when you feel the cool liquid bubble its way down your throat. However, after watching a couple of gripping 'How to look 10 years younger' episodes and seeing a woman in her forties with hardly any teeth thanks to her caffeine addiction it's high time I kicked the habit for good. In addition to this, in the free London newspaper, The Metro its also been revealed that teens who drink more than five cans of fizzy drink per day are more prone to aggressive tendencies- so perhaps that explains the behaviour of one particular ex-colleague!
So here goes my Diet Coke Break....
Day one- I've made it past 11am and into the lunch hour zone. And I'm currently resisting the urge to hop-foot it over the road into Sainsburys. Must keep picturing toothless woman for motivation.
Day two- I didn't even think about the beloved cans of Diet Coke today, but I did wash my dinner down with a few sneaky gulps of Doctor Pepper- note to self need to stock up of sparkling water.
Day three- Resisted the lure of Diet Coke whilst dithering in Sainsburys looking for afternoon snacks. So craving something sweet where I would normally have satisfied this with a swig of Diet Coke I instead ate a whole box of Malteasers. That's right a whole box! I wonder what's better for me? I went shopping in Bluewater, craved a can of the good stuff but didn't give in choosing instead some supposed 'Vitamin' water instead- Yummy :S. Somehow it didn't have quite the same effect.
Day four- It seems to be getting a little easier to resist. My next door desk neighbour had a bottle of the bubbly stuff at lunch time and I managed not to follow suit. Craving my usual afternoon caffeine fix I had a coffee instead.
Some interesting reading....
Day five- I went out for dinner in the evening and resisted the urge, choosing a can of 7up instead.
Day six- Had a busy day so didn't even think of Diet Coke....
Day seven- Again, went out for lunch and opted for tap water (cheap and cheerful) instead of my usual bubbly, brown beverage.
Day eight- Back to work and again no Diet Coke...
Day nine- Unfortunately after a slightly traumatic lunchtime experience where I literally wanted the ground to open up so that I could fall into it and hide it left me heading at top speed to Sainsburys in need of comfort. Taking a sip at my desk it tasted gooood, and threw in some dry roasted peanuts for good measure. I think it helped.
I think I did well to last for that long, and will definatley be cutting back on the DC and reserving it for special occasions only... such as days when I'm hungover and the such like.
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